Dual Magnetos

Dual Magnetos

The phrase 'Dual Magneto' often causes confusion as it is used in many different contexts. As well as 'dual' there are several other words and phrases which are either used as alternatives or in conjunction with 'dual' - and they all mean slightly different variations in the design of the magnetos they are attributed to. Most of the variations are introduced below with some having more detail on their own page - read this intro or click the button to go straight there.

Engines with one spark plug per cylinder

Twin magneto (singular) Probably the easiest to understand. This is simply an independent magneto as fitted to a twin cylinder engine.

Twin or Dual Magnetos (plural) This applies to engines fitted with two independent magnetos and include some V twin engines where each cylinder's single spark plug is fired by it's own single cylinder magneto. Another example is the V16 engine where each bank of eight cylinders is fed by it's own eight cylinder magneto.

Dual Magneto Here the word 'dual' refers to the design where the HT comes from two independent sources.  Usually these HT sources are a conventional magneto and a battery/coil system. Sometimes, as in magnetos fitted to aircraft engines, both sources of HT are separate magnetos.

Dual Magneto - Single Plugs

Engines with two spark plugs, or sets of plugs, per cylinder

When an engine is fitted with twin spark plugs per cylinder, ideally, both are arranged to fire at the same time although in practice this was not easy to achieve. Twin spark plugs give twin flame fronts resulting in faster and more complete burning and therefore improved engine efficiency and increased power.  In addition, there will be a higher fuel economy due to less wastage of fuel.

Dual Magnetos (plural) This is where two independent magnetos are fitted. Each cylinder has two spark plugs, each one being fired by a different independent magneto. This is the arrangement used with aircraft engines where duplication of the ignition system introduces a safety element. If one magneto fails, the other keeps the engine going - albeit with a slight drop in performance.

Dual Magneto (singular) As before, here the word 'dual' refers to the design where the source of the HT comes from two different sources. Magnetos of this type designed to be fitted to engines with two spark plugs per cylinder can be used with either or both of the HT sources at any one time. Again, usually these sources are a conventional magneto and a battery/coil system.

Twin Spark (also referred to as Dual , 2 or Two spark) Magneto In this arrangement, one magneto fitted with a specially wound coil allows both spark plugs in any one cylinder to be fired at exactly the same time. This synchronisation of the sparks provides a marked improvement over the other systems which use two independent ignition systems to fire the two plugs.

Dual 2 Spark Magneto This type of magneto combines the functions of both dual and twin spark magnetos in the one unit.

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